Friday, November 22, 2013


I am not really sure thankfulness is an appropriate title for where I hope to go with this post, but I suppose it's a start. Here is your fair warning that this post could be considered political or controversial so read at your own risk. I am not here to start a debate. Not that I am so closed minded that I don't want to hear your opinion, but I have heard them all, thus the inspiration for this post. Also, it's my blog, so if you want to start a blog and share your thoughts go ahead. 

So if you aren't all up on the news, I'll enlighten you on one news story that's been circulating. Walmart has set up some bins in their employee break area to collect food for needy employees. As I understand it, not every Walmart has done this, only a specific one in Ohio. I have never seen people get so up in arms about something and want to tackle this from a few different angles, so bear with me. 

1. Why are you knocking on someone who is trying to do something good and nice for its employees? I mean seriously, since when has charity become such a bad thing. 

2. The most common complaint I have been reading is that "Walmart doesn't pay it's employees a living wage." I am going to go out on a limb and say they pay all their hourly employees AT LEAST the federal minimum wage. Just like all other corporations in this country, but why don't you hear the outcry at these companies? Other large retailers, fast food companies, etc. 

I also would like to define a living wage. That means basic necessities, not a $150 cable bill, $80 Internet bill, $200 iPhone bill. Extra money to pay for a brand new SUV each year and a 52 inch TV. THAT is what Many Americans today feel makes a living wage: being able to keep up with the Jones'. 

3. The military offers thousands of Thanksgiving meals every year to some of its employees. {gasps}. The audicity! If they paid their Airmen a living wage, they wouldn't have to do this! 

Why don't we hear this outcry? The Air Force, like many of the corporations in America pay their newest employees or lower ranking employees a much lower wage than the longer or higher ranking individuals. So, of we are going to complain let's be fair! You don't hear people making a big deal out of how many military families are on WIC and Food Stamps. You don't read news articles about the tragedy of many military children being on free and reduced lunch plans at their school. 

It drives me batty! We (well, really Darnell, I am just along for the ride), chose to be in the military. I am sure his salary and benefits package was laid out for him, just like I am sure everyone hired by a Walmart is shown their hourly wage and benefits before accepting the job. 

No one is holding a gun to their head and forcing them to accept or keep their job, they choose every day they get up put on that blue vest to remain an employee there. So, let's applaud these original atoms for going above and beyond and trying do something nice for their employees! If they don't want their $7.25 an hour job, they can quit, I am sure someone else out there would HAPPILY take it and it so called crummy pay. 

And don't get me started on working on Thanksgiving....

1 comment:

  1. I think you said it just right way to go people can't be thankful for what they have some people like my wife who has been looking for a job can't get 1!!! So all of you that have one stop crying bout it
