Friday, August 30, 2013

New Blogger on the Block

Well, it has {finally} happened, I have joined the blogging world. I have decided to try to use Facebook less and less for various reasons. There is quite a bit of drama associated for one and for another I can get sucked into "checking on things" FOREVER! It takes away too much of time time from Darnell and Dani and that MUST change.

There has been quite a bit going on with our family, myself in particular, and I don't have the extra time to spend trying to track down everyone. I get worn down with people never making an effort {I'm one to talk} to notify people they care about what's going on...these days you are expected to say "Oh, my friend so-and-so is expecting, let's go see if she posted the gender on her page." And honestly...I am OVER IT!

I won't {likely} delete my page, there is too much actual information that gets put out on Facebook that I would miss out on...base events, news, and information for example.

I think Facebook is great for posting those funny things your kid did or birthday shout-outs, or sharing events, but not for 'real' posting.

Maybe, I'm just looking for a way to get my thoughts out...maybe I should just buy a diary {lol} or maybe what I have to say will relate to others, comfort someone else, or just let them know "Hey, what you are thinking is normal or you aren't the only one."

The name "Team Straus" is a nickname for our family "The Strausheim's" that was given to us by an old friend and it has quite a bit of meaning and nostalgia behind it. After I've gotten the hang of this "blogging" thing, maybe I'll come up with a better name. Until then, this blog is going to be all about Team Straus!


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